This post is about my writing/audio/art/weird diary thingy: autobiography. Here’s the first post from the project, to get you oriented.
It’s meant to be a kind of public journalling project with a diary entry (writing) a selfy (/image) and a sound (usually music) posted each day, away from, and as an alternative to, the glare of social media expectations. It’s what I want to express when at rest, when considering who the ‘true audience’ I am writing for is, and what that audience might want to hear.
What I found two months in, was that when life gets to its most interesting (read crazy/scary/stressful/intense - the kind of stuff that might be the most dramatic to read) then I find no time nor headspace to write about it. This is instructive in its own way.
While the project is still there, life’s been many kinds of ‘/’s since the last post almost a year to the day ago. Hence no new content since then.
But watch this space.